How do I get my files off of a hosted document management system?
  • 12 Jul 2020
  • 1 Minute to read
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How do I get my files off of a hosted document management system?

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Article Summary

When you are doing research and looking for a hosted document management solution, confirm what your options will be for getting your files off the system. You may need to export some documents for a one-time need or you may want all your files off the system and discontinue using that solution.

If you are looking to replace the system with another system, the vendor proposing you the new system should be able to help with getting the data out of the old system. Most vendors have experience with various solutions and know how to get at the data and datbase.

We used M-Files and needed to get our files out of their system. We were very thankful that it was only a matter of doing an export. All of our files were exported, along with an excel file. And our folder structure stayed intact with the export.



M-Files website

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